Thursday, January 27, 2011

6 months in waiting

I've been thinking of this post for a long time now. I'd say I probably written and re-written it again and again in my head. But now that I'm it is.
I started on a journey last November when my long time, long lost friend Ana ((that's her above when we went on this crazy road trip in 2006)) came through the drive through at Sonic with her new boyfriend. I saw it in her eyes, she was going to marry the Temple, and I wouldn't be able to go. I wouldn't even be invited if I could go in the Temple because I had got so caught up in everything else that I didn't even know she had been dating this boy for like a year.

That was my reason for going back to church.
A year later my kids had found their home in the nursery and I was still too scared to go to Relief Society. I avoided the Bishop like the plague because I was so worried he'd see right through me and realize I wasn't who they thought I was.
I don't know what this blog will be about. My kids? I do have a lot of cute pictures. My spiritual journey? Yeah, that could be a novel. Re-finding my friends? That would mean they have to forgive me ignoring them for the last 5 years.
Since seeing Ana that day at Sonic I shared in he wedding reception and have re-found our friendship. She may not know it, but she's still one of the main reasons I go to church every Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. You don't have to decide now!! You can decide later and change it as you go! It's exciting!!! Great job!!!

    Start adding this blog address to your post comments on my blog and ppl will start coming and checking it out!

    Also, I want to "follow" you on my RSS reader or email SO....
    go to and you can add this blog address in and follow the steps to add "feed"
    OR just look in your blogspot settings. I haven't used blogger in a while so I don't remember how! BUT I know there is a way!!
    I think I used feedburner. I don't know. Let me know when you have it set up and I'll try it. and, then you can track how many ppl you have signed up! it's totally cool!!!
